InfluxDB Latest

Scale applications based on InfluxDB queries

Availability: v2.1+ Maintainer: Community

Trigger Specification

This specification describes the influxdb trigger that scales based on the results of a InfluxDB query.

  - type: influxdb
      serverURL: http://influxdb:8086
      organizationName: influx-org
      organizationNameFromEnv: INFLUXDB_ORG_NAME # Optional: You can use this instead of `organizationName` parameter. See details in "Parameter List" section
      thresholdValue: '4.4'
      activationThresholdValue: '6.2'
      query: |
        from(bucket: "bucket-of-interest")
        |> range(start: -12h)
        |> filter(fn: (r) => r._measurement == "stat")        
      authToken: some-auth-token
      authTokenFromEnv: INFLUXDB_AUTH_TOKEN # Optional: You can use this instead of `authToken` parameter. See details in "Parameter List" section

Parameter list:

  • authToken - Authentication token needed for the InfluxDB client to communicate with an associated server.
  • authTokenFromEnv - Defines the authorization token, similar to authToken, but reads it from an environment variable on the scale target.
  • organizationName - Organization name needed for the client to locate all information contained in that organization such as buckets, tasks, etc.
  • organizationNameFromEnv - Defines the organization name, similar to organizationName, but reads it from an environment variable on the scale target.
  • serverURL - Holds the url value of the InfluxDB server.
  • thresholdValue - Provided by the user. This value can vary from use case to use case depending on the data of interest, and is needed to trigger the scaling in/out depending on what value comes back from the query. (This value can be a float)
  • activationThresholdValue - Target value for activating the scaler. Learn more about activation here.(Default: 0, Optional, This value can be a float)
  • query - Flux query that will yield the value for the scaler to compare the thresholdValue against.
  • unsafeSsl - Skip certificate validation when connecting over HTTPS. (Values: true, false, Default: false, Optional)

Authentication Parameters

You can authenticate by using an authorization token.

Authorization Token Authentication:

  • authToken - Authorization token for InfluxDB server.


Below is an example of how to deploy a scaled object with the InfluxDB scale trigger.

kind: ScaledObject
  name: influxdb-scaledobject
  namespace: my-project
    name: nginx-worker
    - type: influxdb
        serverURL: http://influxdb:8086
        organizationNameFromEnv: INFLUXDB_ORG_NAME
        thresholdValue: '4'
        activationThresholdValue: '6'
        query: |
          from(bucket: "bucket-of-interest")
          |> range(start: -12h)
          |> filter(fn: (r) => r._measurement == "stat")          
        authTokenFromEnv: INFLUXDB_AUTH_TOKEN