Azure Service Bus Click here for latest

Scale applications based on Azure Service Bus Queues or Topics.

Availability: v1.0+ Maintainer: Microsoft


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Trigger Specification

This specification describes the azure-servicebus trigger for Azure Service Bus Queue or Topic.

⚠️ WARNING: KEDA is not in charge of managing entities. If the queue, topic or subscription does not exist, it will not create them automatically.

- type: azure-servicebus
    # Required: queueName OR topicName and subscriptionName
    queueName: functions-sbqueue
    # or
    topicName: functions-sbtopic
    subscriptionName: sbtopic-sub1
    # Optional, required when pod identity is used
    namespace: service-bus-namespace
    # Optional, can use TriggerAuthentication as well
    connectionFromEnv: SERVICEBUS_CONNECTIONSTRING_ENV_NAME # This must be a connection string for a queue itself, and not a namespace level (e.g. RootAccessPolicy) connection string [#215](
    # Optional
    messageCount: "5" # Optional. Count of messages to trigger scaling on. Default: 5 messages

Parameter list:

  • messageCount - Amount of active messages in your Azure Service Bus queue or topic to scale on.
  • queueName - Name of the Azure Service Bus queue to scale on. (Optional)
  • topicName - Name of the Azure Service Bus topic to scale on. (Optional)
  • subscriptionName - Name of the Azure Service Bus queue to scale on. (Optional*, Required when topicName is specified)
  • namespace - Name of the Azure Service Bus namespace that contains your queue or topic. (Optional*, Required when pod identity is used)
  • connectionFromEnv - Name of the environment variable your deployment uses to get the connection string of the Azure Service Bus namespace. (Optional)

💡 NOTE: Service Bus Shared Access Policy needs to be of type Manage. Manage access is required for KEDA to be able to get metrics from Service Bus.

Authentication Parameters

You can authenticate by using pod identity or connection string authentication.

Connection String Authentication:

  • connection - Connection string for the Azure Service Bus Namespace.

    The following formats are supported.

    • With SharedAccessKey - Endpoint=sb://<sb>;SharedAccessKeyName=<key name>;SharedAccessKey=<key value>


Here is an example of how to use managed identity:

kind: TriggerAuthentication
  name: azure-servicebus-auth
    provider: azure
kind: ScaledObject
  name: azure-servicebus-queue-scaledobject
  namespace: default
    name: azure-servicebus-queue-function
  - type: azure-servicebus
      # Required: queueName OR topicName and subscriptionName
      queueName: functions-sbqueue
      # or
      topicName: functions-sbtopic
      subscriptionName: sbtopic-sub1
      # Required: Define what Azure Service Bus to authenticate to with Managed Identity
      namespace: service-bus-namespace
      # Optional
      messageCount: "5" # default 5
        name: azure-servicebus-auth # authenticationRef would need either podIdentity or define a connection parameter