Redis Lists (supports Redis Sentinel)

Redis Lists scaler with support for Redis Sentinel topology

Availability: v2.5+ Maintainer: Community


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Trigger Specification

This specification describes the redis-sentinel trigger that scales based on the length of a list in a Redis Sentinel setup.

- type: redis-sentinel
    addresses: localhost:26379 # Comma separated list of the format host:port
    usernameFromEnv: REDIS_USERNAME # optional
    passwordFromEnv: REDIS_PASSWORD # optional
    sentinelUsernameFromEnv: REDIS_SENTINEL_USERNAME # optional
    sentinelPasswordFromEnv: REDIS_SENTINEL_PASSWORD # optional
    sentinelMasterFromEnv: REDIS_SENTINEL_MASTER # optional
    listName: mylist # Required
    listLength: "5" # Required
    activationListLength: "5" # optional
    enableTLS: "false" # optional
    unsafeSsl: "false" # optional
    databaseIndex: "0" # optional
    # Alternatively, you can use existing environment variables to read configuration from:
    # See details in "Parameter list" section
    addressesFromEnv: REDIS_ADDRESSES # Optional. You can use this instead of `addresses` parameter

Parameter list:

  • addresses - Comma separated list of hosts and ports of the Redis Sentinel nodes.
  • hosts - Comma separated list of hosts of the Redis Sentinel nodes. Alternative to addresses and requires ports to be configured as well.
  • ports - Comma separated list of corresponding ports for the hosts of the Redis Sentinel nodes. Alternative to addresses and requires hosts to be configured as well.
  • usernameFromEnv - Environment variable to read the authentication username from to authenticate with the Redis server.
  • passwordFromEnv - Environment variable to read the authentication password from to authenticate with the Redis server.
    • Both the hostname, username and password fields need to be set to the names of the environment variables in the target deployment that contain the host name, username and password respectively.
  • sentinelUsernameFromEnv - Environment variable to read the authentication username from to authenticate with the Redis Sentinel server.
  • sentinelPasswordFromEnv - Environment variable to read the authentication password from to authenticate with the Redis Sentinel server.
  • sentinelMaster - The name of the primary (still referred to as the ‘master’ in Sentinel) to get the Redis server address for.
  • listName - Name of the Redis List that you want to monitor.
  • listLength - Average target value to trigger scaling actions.
  • activationListLength - Target value for activating the scaler. Learn more about activation here. (Default: 0, Optional)
  • enableTLS - Allow a connection to a redis queue using tls. (Values: true, false, Default: false, Optional)
  • unsafeSsl - Used for skipping certificate check e.g: using self-signed certs. (Values: true,false, Default: false, Optional, This requires enableTLS: true)
  • databaseIndex - Index of Redis database to use. If not specified, the default value is 0.

Some parameters could be provided using environmental variables, instead of setting them directly in metadata. Here is a list of parameters you can use to retrieve values from environment variables:

  • addressesFromEnv - The hosts and their respective ports of the Redis Sentinel nodes, similar to addresses, but reads it from an environment variable on the scale target.
  • hostsFromEnv - The hosts of the Redis Sentinel nodes, similar to hosts, but reads it from an environment variable on the scale target.
  • portsFromEnv - The corresponding ports for the hosts of the Redis Sentinel nodes, similar to ports, but reads it from an environment variable on the scale target.
  • sentinelMasterFromEnv - The name of the primary (still referred to as the ‘master’ in Sentinel) to get the Redis server address for; similar to sentinelMaster, but reads it from an environment variable on the scale target.

Authentication Parameters

You can authenticate by using a password.

Connection Authentication:

  • addresses - Comma separated list of host:port format.
  • hosts - Comma separated list of hostname of the Redis Sentinel nodes. If specified, the ports should also be specified.
  • ports - Comma separated list of ports of the Redis Sentinel nodes. If specified, the hosts should also be specified.
  • sentinelMaster - The name of the primary (still referred to as the ‘master’ in Sentinel) to get the Redis server address for.


  • username - Redis username to authenticate with.
  • password - Redis password to authenticate with.

Sentinel Authentication:

  • sentinelUsername - Redis Sentinel username to authenticate with.
  • sentinelPassword - Redis Sentinel password to authenticate with.


Parameters used for configuring TLS authentication. Note this can not be used together with enableTLS and unsafeSsl on the ScaledObject, which is used to define using insecure TLS with skipping certificate check.

  • tls - To enable SSL auth for Redis, set this to enable. If not set, TLS for Redis is not used. (Values: enable, disable, Default: disable, Optional)
  • ca - Certificate authority file for TLS authentication. (Optional)
  • cert - Certificate for client authentication. (Optional)
  • key - Key for client authentication. (Optional)
  • keyPassword - If set the keyPassword is used to decrypt the provided key. (Optional)


Here is an example of how to deploy a scaled object with the redis-sentinel scale trigger which uses TriggerAuthentication.

You can also provide the usernameFromEnv and passwordFromEnv on the ScaledObject directly.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: votes-db-secret
  namespace: my-project
type: Opaque
  redis_username: YWRtaW4=
  redis_password: YWRtaW4=
kind: TriggerAuthentication
  name: keda-trigger-auth-redis-secret
  namespace: my-project
  - parameter: username
    name: votes-db-secret
    key: redis_username
  - parameter: password
    name: votes-db-secret
    key: redis_password
kind: ScaledObject
  name: redis-scaledobject
  namespace: my-project
    name: votes
  - type: redis-sentinel
      addresses: node1:26379, node2:26379, node3:26379
      listName: mylist
      listLength: "10"
      sentinelMaster: "myprimary"
      name: keda-trigger-auth-redis-secret