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OpenStack Swift
Scale applications based on the count of objects in a given OpenStack Swift container.
This specification describes the openstack-swift
trigger for OpenStack Swift containers. It scales based on the count of objects in a given container.
- type: openstack-swift
containerName: my-container # Required
swiftURL: http://localhost:8080/v1/b161dc815cd24bda84d94d9a0e73cf78 # Optional
objectCount: "2" # Optional
activationObjectCount: "5" # Optional
objectPrefix: "my-prefix" # Optional
objectDelimiter: "/" # Optional
objectLimit: "10" # Optional
onlyFiles: "true" # Optional
timeout: "2" # Optional
Please, always provide the protocol (http or https) when specifying URLs.
Parameter list:
- The URL to query the Swift API. If not provided, the scaler will try to find the Swift public URL for a certain region, using the OpenStack catalog, which is returned when requesting an authentication token. (Optional)containerName
- Name of Swift container in an OpenStack account.objectCount
- Average target value to trigger scaling actions. (Default: 2
, Optional)activationObjectCount
- Target value for activating the scaler. Learn more about activation here. (Default: 0
, Optional)objectPrefix
- Prefix for the object. Only objects with this prefix will be returned. Use this prefix to specify sub-paths for the objects. (Default: ""
, Optional)objectDelimiter
- Delimiter for identifying the object prefix. It is the character used to split object names. (Default: ""
, Optional)objectLimit
- The maximum number of objects returned by the API. By default, the Swift API only returns up to 10000 names. (Default: ""
, Optional)onlyFiles
- Specifies if the scaler should be triggered only by the number of files, without considering folders. Inside a container, one can have files and folders. Folders (empty or not) are counted as objects, just as files are. If one wants to scale based on only files, this parameter must be set to true
. (Values: true
, false
, Default: false
, Optional)timeout
- The timeout, in seconds, for the HTTP client requests that will query the Swift API. (Default: 30
, Optional)For more information about prefix
, delimiter
, and limit
, please, refer to the Object Store API.
To authenticate, this scaler uses tokens. Tokens are automatically retrieved by the scaler from Keystone, the official OpenStack Identity Provider. You can provide your credentials using Secrets either by using the “password” method or the “application credentials” method. Both cases use TriggerAuthentication
- The Keystone authentication URL. The scaler supports only Keystone v3. You shouldn’t include the /v3
parameter in your URL path. This is done automatically by the scaler.userID
- The OpenStack project user ID.password
- The password for the provided user.projectID
- The OpenStack project ID.regionName
- The OpenStack region name where the Swift service is available. This parameter is not required and is used only when the swiftURL
is not provided to the scaler. If the region name is not provided, it will look for the first Swift public URL available in the OpenStack catalog.authURL
- The Keystone authentication URL. The scaler supports only Keystone v3. You shouldn’t include the /v3
parameter in your URL path. This is done automatically by the scaler.appCredentialID
- The Application Credential ID.appCredentialSecret
- The Application Credential secret.regionName
- The OpenStack region name where the Swift service is available. This parameter is not required and is used only when the swiftURL
is not provided to the scaler. If the region name is not provided, it will look for the first Swift public URL available in the OpenStack catalog.Here is an example of how to deploy a scaled object with the openstack-swift
scale trigger which uses TriggerAuthentication
and the Password method from above.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: openstack-secret-password
namespace: default
type: Opaque
authURL: aHR0cDovL2xvY2FsaG9zdDo1MDAwLw==
password: YWRtaW4=
regionName: Y2FsaWZvcm5pYS0x
apiVersion: keda.sh/v1alpha1
kind: TriggerAuthentication
name: swift-password-trigger-authentication
namespace: default
- parameter: authURL
name: openstack-secret-password
key: authURL
- parameter: userID
name: openstack-secret-password
key: userID
- parameter: password
name: openstack-secret-password
key: password
- parameter: projectID
name: openstack-secret-password
key: projectID
- parameter: regionName
name: openstack-secret-password
key: regionName
apiVersion: keda.sh/v1alpha1
kind: ScaledObject
name: swift-scaledobject
namespace: default
name: my-deployment
pollingInterval: 10
cooldownPeriod: 10
minReplicaCount: 0
- type: openstack-swift
containerName: my-container
objectCount: "1"
onlyFiles: "true"
name: swift-password-trigger-authentication
You can also use the Application Credentials method.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: openstack-secret-appcredentials
namespace: default
type: Opaque
authURL: aHR0cDovL2xvY2FsaG9zdDo1MDAwLw==
appCredentialID: OWYyY2UyYWRlYmFkNGQxNzg0NTgwZjE5ZTljMTExZTQ=
appCredentialSecret: LVdSbFJBZW9sMm91Z3VmZzNEVlBqcll6aU9za1pkZ3c4Y180XzRFU1pZREloT0RmajJkOHg0dU5yb3NudVIzWmxDVTZNLTVDT3R5NDFJX3M5R1N5Wnc=
apiVersion: keda.sh/v1alpha1
kind: TriggerAuthentication
name: swift-appcredentials-trigger-authentication
namespace: default
- parameter: authURL
name: openstack-secret-appcredentials
key: authURL
- parameter: appCredentialID
name: openstack-secret-appcredentials
key: appCredentialID
- parameter: appCredentialSecret
name: openstack-secret-appcredentials
key: appCredentialSecret
apiVersion: keda.sh/v1alpha1
kind: ScaledObject
name: swift-scaledobject
namespace: default
name: my-deployment
pollingInterval: 10
cooldownPeriod: 10
minReplicaCount: 0
- type: openstack-swift
swiftURL: http://localhost:8080/v1/AUTH_b161dc518cd24bda84d94d9a0e73fc87
containerName: my-container
objectCount: "1"
name: swift-appcredentials-trigger-authentication