
Scale applications based on MongoDB queries.

Availability: v2.1+ Maintainer: Community


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Trigger Specification

This specification describes the mongodb trigger that scales based on result of MongoDB query.

  - type: mongodb
      # name of an environment variable containing a valid MongoDB connection string
      connectionStringFromEnv: MongoDB_CONNECTION_STRING
      # Required: database name
      dbName: "test"
      # Required: collection name
      collection: "test_collection"
      # Required: query expr, used by filter data
      query: '{"region":"eu-1","state":"running","plan":"planA"}'
      # Required: according to the number of query result, to scale the TargetRef
      queryValue: "1"
      # Optional: according to the number of query result, the scaler is active
      activationQueryValue: "1"

Alternatively, you can configure connection parameters explicitly instead of providing a connection string:

  - type: mongodb
      # scheme of the MongoDB server. if using MongoDB Altas, you can set it to "mongodb+srv"
      scheme: "mongodb"
      # host name of the MongoDB server. Example of mongodb service: "mongodb-svc.<namespace>.svc.cluster.local"
      host: mongodb-svc.default.svc.cluster.local
      # port number of the MongoDB server.
      port: "27017"
      # username credential for connecting to the MongoDB server
      username: test_user
      # name of an environment variable containing a valid password for connecting to the MongoDB server
      passwordFromEnv: MongoDB_Password
      # Required: database name
      dbName: "test"
      # Required: collection name
      collection: "test_collection"
      # Required: query expr, used by filter data
      query: '{"region":"eu-1","state":"running","plan":"planA"}'
      # Required: according to the number of query result, to scale the TargetRef
      queryValue: "1"
      # Optional: according to the number of query result, the scaler is active
      activationQueryValue: "1"

Parameter list:

The mongodb trigger always requires the following information:

  • dbName - Name of the database.
  • collection - Name of the collection.
  • query - A MongoDB query that should return single numeric value.
  • queryValue - A threshold that will define when scaling should occur. This value can be a float.
  • activationQueryValue - Target value for activating the scaler. Learn more about activation here. (Default: 0, Optional). This value can be a float.

To connect to the MongoDB server, you can provide either:

  • connectionStringFromEnv - The name of an environment variable containing a valid MongoDB connection string for connecting to the MongoDB server.

Or provide more detailed connection parameters explicitly (a connection string will be generated for you at runtime):

  • scheme - The scheme of the MongoDB server, if using MongoDB Atlas, you can set it to mongodb+srv. (Default: mongodb, Optional)
  • host - The host name of the MongoDB server.
  • port - The port number of the MongoDB server.
  • username - Username to authenticate with to MongoDB database.
  • passwordFromEnv - The name of an environment variable containing the password credential for connecting to the MongoDB server.

When configuring with a connection string, you can use this URL format:


Authentication Parameters

As an alternative to environment variables, You can authenticate with the MongoDB server by using connection string or password authentication via TriggerAuthentication or ClusterTriggerAuthentication configuration.

Connection String Authentication:

  • connectionString - Connection string for MongoDB server.

Password Authentication:

  • scheme - The scheme of the MongoDB server, if using MongoDB Atlas, you can set it to mongodb+srv. (Default: mongodb, Optional)
  • host - The host name of the MongoDB server.
  • port - The port number of the MongoDB server.
  • username - Username to authenticate with to MongoDB database.
  • password - Password for the configured user to login to MongoDB server.
  • dbName - Name of the database.


Here is an example of how to deploy a scaled Job with the MongoDB scale trigger which uses TriggerAuthentication.

kind: ScaledJob
  name: mongodb-job
          - name: mongodb-update
            image: 1314520999/mongodb-update:latest
            - --dataBase=test
            - --collection=test_collection
            imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
        restartPolicy: Never
    backoffLimit: 1
  pollingInterval: 30             # Optional. Default: 30 seconds
  maxReplicaCount: 30             # Optional. Default: 100
  successfulJobsHistoryLimit: 0   # Optional. Default: 100. How many completed jobs should be kept.
  failedJobsHistoryLimit: 10      # Optional. Default: 100. How many failed jobs should be kept.
    - type: mongodb
        dbName: "test"
        collection: "test_collection"
        query: '{"region":"eu-1","state":"running","plan":"planA"}'
        queryValue: "1"
        name: mongodb-trigger
kind: TriggerAuthentication
  name: mongodb-trigger
    - parameter: connectionString
      name: mongodb-secret
      key: connect
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: mongodb-secret
type: Opaque
  connect: bW9uZ29kYjovL3Rlc3RfdXNlcjp0ZXN0X3Bhc3N3b3JkQG1vbmdvZGItc3ZjLm1vbmdvREIuc3ZjLmNsdXN0ZXIubG9jYWw6MjcwMTcvdGVzdA==