Azure Blob Storage

Scale applications based on the count of blobs in a given Azure Blob Storage container.

Availability: v1.1+ Maintainer: Microsoft


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As of now, this Azure Blob Storage scaler scales based on the count of the blobs in a container as opposed to the Azure Functions behavior where code is only triggered on new blobs.

Trigger Specification

This specification describes the azure-blob trigger for Azure Blob Storage. It scales based on the count of blobs in a given blob storage container and assumes the worker is responsible for clearing the container by deleting/moving the blobs once the blob processing completed.

- type: azure-blob
    blobContainerName: functions-blob
    blobCount: '5'
    activationBlobCount: '50'
    accountName: storage-account-name
    blobPrefix: myprefix
    blobDelimiter: /example
    cloud: Private
    endpointSuffix: blob.core.airgap.example # Required when cloud=Private
    recursive: false
    globPattern: glob-pattern

Parameter list:

  • blobContainerName - Name of container in an Azure Storage account.
  • blobCount - Average target value to trigger scaling actions. (Default: 5, Optional)
  • activationBlobCount - Target value for activating the scaler. Learn more about activation here. (Default: 0, Optional)
  • connectionFromEnv - Name of the environment variable your deployment uses to get the connection string.
  • accountName - Name of the storage account that the container belongs to.
  • blobPrefix - Prefix for the Blob. Use this to specify sub path for the blobs if required. (Default: "", Optional)
  • blobDelimiter - Delimiter for identifying the blob prefix. (Default: /, Optional)
  • cloud - Name of the cloud environment that the blob belongs to. Must be a known Azure cloud environment, or Private for Azure Stack Hub or Air Gapped clouds. (valid values: AzurePublicCloud, AzureUSGovernmentCloud, AzureChinaCloud, AzureGermanCloud, Private; default: AzurePublicCloud)
  • recursive - Indicates whether or not blobs should be counted recursively. (Values: true, false, Default: false, Optional, Equivalent to setting blobDelimiter as "")
  • globPattern - Glob pattern for blob names. The scaler will count all blobs whose names match the pattern as metric value. (Default: "", Optional, The blobPrefix, blobDelimiter and recursive parameters are ignored when this is specified.)

When cloud is set to Private, the endpointSuffix parameter is required. Otherwise, it is automatically generated based on the cloud environment. endpointSuffix represents the storage blob endpoint suffix of the cloud environment that the blob belongs to, e.g. for AzureGermanCloud.

Authentication Parameters

You can authenticate by using pod identity or connection string authentication.

Connection String Authentication:

  • connection - Connection string for Azure Storage Account.

Pod Identity Authentication

Azure AD Workload Identity provider can be used.

  • accountName - Name of the Azure Storage Account.


kind: TriggerAuthentication
  name: azure-blob-auth
    provider: azure-workload
kind: ScaledObject
  name: azure-blob-scaledobject
  namespace: default
    name: azureblob-function
  - type: azure-blob
      # Required
      blobContainerName: functionsblob
      # Optional, required when pod identity is used
      accountName: storage-account-name
      # Optional, connection OR authenticationRef that defines the connection
      connectionFromEnv: STORAGE_CONNECTIONSTRING_ENV_NAME # Reference to a connection string in deployment
      # or authenticationRef as defined below
      # Optional
      blobCount: "5" # default 5
      blobPrefix: blobsubpath # Default : ""
      blobDelimiter: "/" # Default: "/"
      # Optional, default: AzurePublicCloud
      cloud: AzureChinaCloud
        name: azure-blob-auth # authenticationRef would need either podIdentity or define a connection parameter