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Azure Log Analytics
Scale applications based on Azure Log Analytics query result
This specification describes the azure-log-analytics
trigger for Azure Log Analytics query result. Here is an example of providing values in metadata:
- type: azure-log-analytics
query: |
let AppName = "web";
let ClusterName = "demo-cluster";
let AvgDuration = ago(10m);
let ThresholdCoefficient = 0.8;
| where InstanceName contains AppName
| where InstanceName contains ClusterName
| where CounterName == "cpuUsageNanoCores"
| where TimeGenerated > AvgDuration
| extend AppName = substring(InstanceName, indexof((InstanceName), "/", 0, -1, 10) + 1)
| summarize MetricValue=round(avg(CounterValue)) by CounterName, AppName
| join (Perf
| where InstanceName contains AppName
| where InstanceName contains ClusterName
| where CounterName == "cpuLimitNanoCores"
| where TimeGenerated > AvgDuration
| extend AppName = substring(InstanceName, indexof((InstanceName), "/", 0, -1, 10) + 1)
| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by AppName, CounterName
| project Limit = CounterValue, TimeGenerated, CounterPath, AppName)
on AppName
| project MetricValue, Threshold = Limit * ThresholdCoefficient
threshold: "10.7"
activationThreshold: "1.7"
# Alternatively, you can use existing environment variables to read configuration from:
# See details in "Parameter list" section
workspaceIdFromEnv: LOG_ANALYTICS_WORKSPACE_ID_ENV_NAME # Optional. You can use this instead of `workspaceId` parameter.
clientIdFromEnv: SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_CLIENT_ID_ENV_NAME # Optional. You can use this instead of `clientId` parameter.
tenantIdFromEnv: AZURE_AD_TENANT_ID_ENV_NAME # Optional. You can use this instead of `tenantId` parameter.
clientSecretFromEnv: SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_PASSWORD_ENV_NAME # Optional. You can use this instead of `clientSecret` parameter.
# Optional (Default: AzurePublicCloud)
cloud: Private
# Required when cloud = Private
logAnalyticsResourceURL: https://api.loganalytics.airgap.io/
# Required when cloud = Private.
activeDirectoryEndpoint: https://login.airgap.example/
# Optional (Default: false)
unsafeSsl: "false"
Parameter list:
- Id of the Azure Active Directory tenant. Follow this link to retrieve your tenant id.clientId
- Id of the application from your Azure AD Application/service principal. Follow this link to create your service principal.clientSecret
- Password from your Azure AD Application/service principal.workspaceId
- Id of Log Analytics workspace. Follow this link to get your Log Analytics workspace id.query
- Log Analytics kusto query, JSON escaped. You can use this tool to convert your query from Log Analytics query editor to JSON escaped string, and then review YAML specific escapes.threshold
- Value that is used as a threshold to calculate # of pods for scale target. (This value can be a float)activationThreshold
- Target value for activating the scaler. Learn more about activation here.(Default: 0
, Optional, This value can be a float)cloud
- Name of the cloud environment that the Azure Log Analytics workspace belongs to. (Values: AzurePublicCloud
, AzureUSGovernmentCloud
, AzureChinaCloud
, Private
, Default: AzurePublicCloud
, Optional)logAnalyticsResourceURL
- Log Analytics REST API URL of the cloud environment. (Required when cloud
is set to Private
, e.g. https://api.loganalytics.azure.cn/
for AzureChinaCloud
- Active Directory endpoint of the cloud environment. (Required when cloud
is set to Private
, e.g. https://login.chinacloudapi.cn/
for AzureChinaCloud
- Determines whether or not KEDA will verify the server certificate’s chain and host name. (Default: false
, Optional, This value can be a bool)The authentication parameters could be provided using environmental variables, instead of setting them directly in metadata. Here is a list of parameters you can use to retrieve values from environment variables:
- An environmental variable name, that stores Azure Active Directory tenant id. Follow this link to retrieve your tenant id. (Optional)clientIdFromEnv
- An environmental variable name, that stores Application id from your Azure AD Application/service principal. Follow this link to create your service principal. (Optional)clientSecretFromEnv
- An environmental variable name, that stores password from your Azure AD Application/service principal. (Optional)workspaceIdFromEnv
- An environmental variable name, that stores your Log Analytics workspace id. Follow this link to get your Log Analytics workspace id. (Optional)💡 NOTE: The workspaceID for Log Analytics is called the
; it’s not the fullid
! the exampleaz
command below can be used.
az monitor log-analytics workspace list --query '[]. {ResourceGroup:resourceGroup,WorkspaceName:name,"workspaceID (customerId)":customerId}' -o table
It is important to design your query to return 1 table with 1 row. A good practice is to add “| limit 1” at the end of your query.
Scaler will take value from:
You can define threshold in trigger metadata, it will be used if your query results only 1 cell, that will be interpreted as metric value. Be aware, even if you have defined threshold in metadata, it can be overwritten by your query.
Data types of your query result should be: real, int or long. Other data types are not supported. Later, during runtime, your data will be converted to int64.
Be careful with setting up “pollingInterval” and long-running queries. Test your query before.
Example query to get MetricValue
and Threshold
based on CPU usage and limits, defined for the pod.
let AppName = "web";
let ClusterName = "demo-cluster";
let AvgDuration = ago(10m);
let ThresholdCoefficient = 0.8;
| where InstanceName contains AppName
| where InstanceName contains ClusterName
| where CounterName == "cpuUsageNanoCores"
| where TimeGenerated > AvgDuration
| extend AppName = substring(InstanceName, indexof((InstanceName), "/", 0, -1, 10) + 1)
| summarize MetricValue=round(avg(CounterValue)) by CounterName, AppName
| join (Perf
| where InstanceName contains AppName
| where InstanceName contains ClusterName
| where CounterName == "cpuLimitNanoCores"
| where TimeGenerated > AvgDuration
| extend AppName = substring(InstanceName, indexof((InstanceName), "/", 0, -1, 10) + 1)
| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by AppName, CounterName
| project Limit = CounterValue, TimeGenerated, CounterPath, AppName)
on AppName
| project MetricValue, Threshold = Limit * ThresholdCoefficient
Example result:
You can use TriggerAuthentication
CRD to configure the authentication by providing a set of Azure Active Directory credentials and resource identifiers.
Service Principal based authentication:
- Azure Active Directory tenant id. Follow this link to retrieve your tenant id.clientId
- Application id from your Azure AD Application/service principal. Follow this link to create your service principal.clientSecret
- Password from your Azure AD Application/service principal.workspaceId
- Your Log Analytics workspace id. Follow this link to get your Log Analytics workspace id.Managed identity based authentication:
You can use managed identity to request access token for Log Analytics API. The advantage of this approach is that there is no need to store secrets in Kubernetes. Read more about managed identities in Azure Kubernetes Service.
Azure AD Workload Identity provider can be used.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: kedaloganalytics
namespace: kedaloganalytics
app: kedaloganalytics
type: Opaque
tenantId: "QVpVUkVfQURfVEVOQU5UX0lE" #Base64 encoded Azure Active Directory tenant id
clientId: "U0VSVklDRV9QUklOQ0lQQUxfQ0xJRU5UX0lE" #Base64 encoded Application id from your Azure AD Application/service principal
clientSecret: "U0VSVklDRV9QUklOQ0lQQUxfUEFTU1dPUkQ=" #Base64 encoded Password from your Azure AD Application/service principal
workspaceId: "TE9HX0FOQUxZVElDU19XT1JLU1BBQ0VfSUQ=" #Base64 encoded Log Analytics workspace id
apiVersion: keda.sh/v1alpha1
kind: TriggerAuthentication
name: trigger-auth-kedaloganalytics
namespace: kedaloganalytics
- parameter: tenantId
name: kedaloganalytics
key: tenantId
- parameter: clientId
name: kedaloganalytics
key: clientId
- parameter: clientSecret
name: kedaloganalytics
key: clientSecret
- parameter: workspaceId
name: kedaloganalytics
key: workspaceId
apiVersion: keda.sh/v1alpha1
kind: ScaledObject
name: kedaloganalytics-consumer-scaled-object
namespace: kedaloganalytics
deploymentName: kedaloganalytics-consumer
kind: #Optional: Default: Deployment, Available Options: ReplicaSet, Deployment, DaemonSet, StatefulSet
name: kedaloganalytics-consumer
pollingInterval: 30
cooldownPeriod: 30
minReplicaCount: 1
maxReplicaCount: 10
- type: azure-log-analytics
query: |
let AppName = "web";
let ClusterName = "demo-cluster";
let AvgDuration = ago(10m);
let ThresholdCoefficient = 0.8;
| where InstanceName contains AppName
| where InstanceName contains ClusterName
| where CounterName == "cpuUsageNanoCores"
| where TimeGenerated > AvgDuration
| extend AppName = substring(InstanceName, indexof((InstanceName), "/", 0, -1, 10) + 1)
| summarize MetricValue=round(avg(CounterValue)) by CounterName, AppName
| join (Perf
| where InstanceName contains AppName
| where InstanceName contains ClusterName
| where CounterName == "cpuLimitNanoCores"
| where TimeGenerated > AvgDuration
| extend AppName = substring(InstanceName, indexof((InstanceName), "/", 0, -1, 10) + 1)
| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by AppName, CounterName
| project Limit = CounterValue, TimeGenerated, CounterPath, AppName)
on AppName
| project MetricValue, Threshold = Limit * ThresholdCoefficient
threshold: "1900000000"
name: trigger-auth-kedaloganalytics
apiVersion: keda.sh/v1alpha1
kind: TriggerAuthentication
name: trigger-auth-kedaloganalytics
namespace: kedaloganalytics
provider: azure-workload
apiVersion: keda.sh/v1alpha1
kind: ScaledObject
name: kedaloganalytics-consumer-scaled-object
namespace: kedaloganalytics
deploymentName: kedaloganalytics-consumer
kind: #Optional: Default: Deployment, Available Options: ReplicaSet, Deployment, DaemonSet, StatefulSet
name: kedaloganalytics-consumer
pollingInterval: 30
cooldownPeriod: 30
minReplicaCount: 1
maxReplicaCount: 10
- type: azure-log-analytics
workspaceId: "81963c40-af2e-47cd-8e72-3002e08aa2af"
query: |
let AppName = "web";
let ClusterName = "demo-cluster";
let AvgDuration = ago(10m);
let ThresholdCoefficient = 0.8;
| where InstanceName contains AppName
| where InstanceName contains ClusterName
| where CounterName == "cpuUsageNanoCores"
| where TimeGenerated > AvgDuration
| extend AppName = substring(InstanceName, indexof((InstanceName), "/", 0, -1, 10) + 1)
| summarize MetricValue=round(avg(CounterValue)) by CounterName, AppName
| join (Perf
| where InstanceName contains AppName
| where InstanceName contains ClusterName
| where CounterName == "cpuLimitNanoCores"
| where TimeGenerated > AvgDuration
| extend AppName = substring(InstanceName, indexof((InstanceName), "/", 0, -1, 10) + 1)
| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by AppName, CounterName
| project Limit = CounterValue, TimeGenerated, CounterPath, AppName)
on AppName
| project MetricValue, Threshold = Limit * ThresholdCoefficient
threshold: "1900000000"
name: trigger-auth-kedaloganalytics