ScaledObject specification


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This specification describes the ScaledObject Custom Resource definition that defines the triggers and scaling behaviors used by KEDA to scale Deployment, StatefulSet and Custom Resource target resources. The .spec.ScaleTargetRef section holds the reference to the target resource, defined in scaledobject_types.go.

kind: ScaledObject
  name: {scaled-object-name}
  annotations: "true"     # Optional. Use to transfer an existing HPA ownership to this ScaledObject "true"               # Optional. Use to disable HPA ownership validation on this ScaledObject "true"                      # Optional. Use to pause autoscaling of objects explicitly
    apiVersion:    {api-version-of-target-resource}         # Optional. Default: apps/v1
    kind:          {kind-of-target-resource}                # Optional. Default: Deployment
    name:          {name-of-target-resource}                # Mandatory. Must be in the same namespace as the ScaledObject
    envSourceContainerName: {container-name}                # Optional. Default: .spec.template.spec.containers[0]
  pollingInterval:  30                                      # Optional. Default: 30 seconds
  cooldownPeriod:   300                                     # Optional. Default: 300 seconds
  initialCooldownPeriod:  0                                 # Optional. Default: 0 seconds
  idleReplicaCount: 0                                       # Optional. Default: ignored, must be less than minReplicaCount
  minReplicaCount:  1                                       # Optional. Default: 0
  maxReplicaCount:  100                                     # Optional. Default: 100
  fallback:                                                 # Optional. Section to specify fallback options
    failureThreshold: 3                                     # Mandatory if fallback section is included
    replicas: 6                                             # Mandatory if fallback section is included
    behavior: {kind-of-behavior}                            # Optional. Default: "static"
  advanced:                                                 # Optional. Section to specify advanced options
    restoreToOriginalReplicaCount: true/false               # Optional. Default: false
    horizontalPodAutoscalerConfig:                          # Optional. Section to specify HPA related options
      name: {name-of-hpa-resource}                          # Optional. Default: keda-hpa-{scaled-object-name}
      behavior:                                             # Optional. Use to modify HPA's scaling behavior
          stabilizationWindowSeconds: 300
          - type: Percent
            value: 100
            periodSeconds: 15
  # {list of triggers to activate scaling of the target resource}


    apiVersion:    {api-version-of-target-resource}  # Optional. Default: apps/v1
    kind:          {kind-of-target-resource}         # Optional. Default: Deployment
    name:          {name-of-target-resource}         # Mandatory. Must be in the same namespace as the ScaledObject
    envSourceContainerName: {container-name}         # Optional. Default: .spec.template.spec.containers[0]

The reference to the resource this ScaledObject is configured for. This is the resource KEDA will scale up/down and set up an HPA for, based on the triggers defined in triggers:.

To scale Kubernetes Deployments only name need be specified. To scale a different resource such as StatefulSet or Custom Resource (that defines /scale subresource), appropriate apiVersion (following standard Kubernetes convention, ie. {api}/{version}) and kind need to be specified.

envSourceContainerName is an optional property that specifies the name of container in the target resource, from which KEDA should try to get environment properties holding secrets etc. If it is not defined, KEDA will try to get environment properties from the first Container, ie. from .spec.template.spec.containers[0].

Assumptions: Resource referenced by name (and apiVersion, kind) is in the same namespace as the ScaledObject


  pollingInterval: 30  # Optional. Default: 30 seconds

This is the interval to check each trigger on. By default, KEDA will check each trigger source on every ScaledObject every 30 seconds.

When scaling from 0 to 1, the polling interval is controlled by KEDA. For example, if this parameter is set to 60, KEDA will poll for a metric value every 60 seconds while the number of replicas is 0.

While scaling from 1 to N, on top of KEDA, the HPA will also poll regularly for metrics, based on the --horizontal-pod-autoscaler-sync-period parameter to the kube-controller-manager, which by default is 15 seconds. For example, if the kube-controller-manager was started with --horizontal-pod-autoscaler-sync-period=30, the HPA will poll for a metric value every 30 seconds while the number of replicas is between 1 and N.

If you want respect the polling interval, the feature caching metrics enables caching of metric values during polling interval.

Example: in a queue scenario, KEDA will check the queueLength every pollingInterval while the number of replicas is 0, and scale the resource up an down accordingly.


  cooldownPeriod:  300 # Optional. Default: 300 seconds

The period to wait after the last trigger reported active before scaling the resource back to 0, in seconds. By default, it’s 300 (5 minutes).

The cooldownPeriod only applies after a trigger occurs; when you first create your Deployment (or StatefulSet/CustomResource), KEDA will immediately scale it to minReplicaCount. Additionally, the KEDA cooldownPeriod only applies when scaling to 0; scaling from 1 to N replicas is handled by the Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaler.

Example: wait 5 minutes after the last time KEDA checked the queue and it was empty. (this is obviously dependent on pollingInterval)


   initialCooldownPeriod:  120 # Optional. Default: 0 seconds

The delay before the cooldownPeriod starts after the initial creation of the ScaledObject, in seconds. By default, it’s 0, meaning the cooldownPeriod begins immediately upon creation. If set to a value such as 120 seconds, the cooldownPeriod will only start after the ScaledObject has been active for that duration.

This parameter is particularly useful for managing the scale-down behavior during the initial phase of a ScaledObject. For instance, if initialCooldownPeriod is set to 120 seconds, KEDA will not scale the resource back to 0 until 120 seconds have passed since the ScaledObject creation, regardless of the activity triggers. This allows for a grace period in situations where immediate scaling down after creation is not desirable.

Example: Wait 120 seconds after the ScaledObject is created before starting the cooldownPeriod. For instance, if the initialCooldownPeriod is set to 120 seconds, KEDA will not initiate the cooldown process until 120 seconds have passed since the ScaledObject was first created, regardless of the triggers’ activity. This ensures a buffer period where the resource won’t be scaled down immediately after creation. (Note: This setting is independent of the pollingInterval.)


  idleReplicaCount: 0   # Optional. Default: ignored, must be less than minReplicaCount

💡 NOTE: Due to limitations in HPA controller the only supported value for this property is 0, it will not work correctly otherwise. See this issue for more details.

In some cases, you always need at least n pod running. Thus, you can omit this property and set minReplicaCount to n.

Example You set minReplicaCount to 1 and maxReplicaCount to 10. If there’s no activity on triggers, the target resource is scaled down to minReplicaCount (1). Once there are activities, the target resource will scale base on the HPA rule. If there’s no activity on triggers, the resource is again scaled down to minReplicaCount (1).

If this property is set, KEDA will scale the resource down to this number of replicas. If there’s some activity on target triggers KEDA will scale the target resource immediately to minReplicaCount and then will be scaling handled by HPA. When there is no activity, the target resource is again scaled down to idleReplicaCount. This setting must be less than minReplicaCount.

Example: If there’s no activity on triggers the target resource is scaled down to idleReplicaCount (0), once there is an activity the target resource is immediately scaled to minReplicaCount (10) and then up to maxReplicaCount (100) as needed. If there’s no activity on triggers the resource is again scaled down to idleReplicaCount (0).


  minReplicaCount: 1   # Optional. Default: 0

Minimum number of replicas KEDA will scale the resource down to. By default, it’s scale to zero, but you can use it with some other value as well.


  maxReplicaCount: 100 # Optional. Default: 100

This setting is passed to the HPA definition that KEDA will create for a given resource and holds the maximum number of replicas of the target resource.


  fallback:                                          # Optional. Section to specify fallback options
    failureThreshold: 3                              # Mandatory if fallback section is included
    replicas: 6                                      # Mandatory if fallback section is included
    behavior: "static"                               # Optional. Default: "static"

The fallback section is optional. It defines a number of replicas to fall back to if a scaler is in an error state.

KEDA will keep track of the number of consecutive times each scaler has failed to get metrics from its source. Once that value passes the failureThreshold, instead of not propagating a metric to the HPA (the default error behavior), the scaler will, instead, return a normalised metric using the formula:

target metric value * fallback replicas

Due to the HPA metric being of type AverageValue (see below), this will have the effect of the HPA scaling the deployment to the defined number of fallback replicas.

There are a few limitations to using a fallback:

  • It only supports scalers whose target is an AverageValue metric. Thus, it is not supported by the CPU & memory scalers, or by scalers whose metric target type is Value. In these cases, it will assume that fallback is disabled.
  • It is only supported by ScaledObjects not ScaledJobs.


The behavior option can be used to configure the final replica count calculation on the target deployment when fallback is used.

static behavior

When behavior is not specified or when behavior is given with value static, the number of replicas fallback.replicas will be used.

Example: When my Prometheus instance becomes unavailable 3 times in a row, KEDA changes the HPA metric to scale the deployment to 6 replicas when I have fallback.replicas set to 6 with a behavior ‘static’.

currentReplicas behavior

When using behavior with value currentReplicas, the current number of replicas is determined. This value will be used as fallback replicas.

Example: When my Prometheus instance becomes unavailable 3 times in a row, KEDA changes the HPA metric to scale the deployment to 6 replicas when the current replicas are 6, with a behavior ‘currentReplicas’.

currentReplicasIfHigher behavior

When using behavior with value currentReplicasIfHigher, the current number of replicas is determined. If the current number of replicas is higher than fallback.replicas, this value will be used as fallback replicas. If the current number of replicas is lower, the value of fallback.replicas will be used.

Example: When my Prometheus instance becomes unavailable 3 times in a row, KEDA changes the HPA metric to scale the deployment to 6 replicas when I have fallback.replicas set to 3, but the current replicas are 6, with a behavior ‘currentReplicasIfHigher’.

currentReplicasIfLower behavior

When using behavior with value currentReplicasIfLower, the current number of replicas is determined. If the current number of replicas is lower than fallback.replicas, this value will be used as fallback replicas. If the current number of replicas is higher, the value of fallback.replicas will be used.

Example: When my Prometheus instance becomes unavailable 3 times in a row, KEDA changes the HPA metric to scale the deployment to 3 replicas when I have fallback.replicas set to 6, but the current replicas are 3, with a behavior ‘currentReplicasILower’.



  restoreToOriginalReplicaCount: true/false        # Optional. Default: false

This property specifies whether the target resource (Deployment, StatefulSet,…) should be scaled back to original replicas count, after the ScaledObject is deleted. Default behavior is to keep the replica count at the same number as it is in the moment of ScaledObject's deletion.

For example a Deployment with 3 replicas is created, then ScaledObject is created and the Deployment is scaled by KEDA to 10 replicas. Then ScaledObject is deleted:

  1. if restoreToOriginalReplicaCount = false (default behavior) then Deployment replicas count is 10
  2. if restoreToOriginalReplicaCount = true then Deployment replicas count is set back to 3 (the original value)


  horizontalPodAutoscalerConfig:                   # Optional. Section to specify HPA related options
    name: {name-of-hpa-resource}                   # Optional. Default: keda-hpa-{scaled-object-name}
    behavior:                                      # Optional. Use to modify HPA's scaling behavior
        stabilizationWindowSeconds: 300
        - type: Percent
          value: 100
          periodSeconds: 15

The name of the HPA resource KEDA will create. By default, it’s keda-hpa-{scaled-object-name}


Starting from Kubernetes v1.18 the autoscaling API allows scaling behavior to be configured through the HPA behavior field. This way one can directly affect scaling of 1<->N replicas, which is internally being handled by HPA. KEDA would feed values from this section directly to the HPA’s behavior field. Please follow Kubernetes documentation for details.

Assumptions: KEDA must be running on Kubernetes cluster v1.18+, in order to be able to benefit from this setting.

  scalingModifiers:                                       # Optional. Section to specify scaling modifiers
    target: {target-value-to-scale-on}                        # Mandatory. New target if metrics are anyhow composed together
    activationTarget: {activation-target-value-to-scale-on}   # Optional. New activation target if metrics are anyhow composed together
    metricType:  {metric-tipe-for-the-modifier}               # Optional. Metric type to be used if metrics are anyhow composed together
    formula: {formula-for-fetched-metrics}                    # Mandatory. Formula for calculation


If defined, both target and formula are mandatory. Using this structure creates composite-metric for the HPA that will replace all requests for external metrics and handle them internally. With scalingModifiers each trigger used in the formula must have a name defined.

target defines new target value to scale on for the composed metric.


activationTarget defines a new activation target value to scale on for the composed metric. (Default: 0, Optional)


metricType defines metric type used for this new composite-metric. (Values: AverageValue, Value, Default: AverageValue, Optional)


formula composes metrics together and allows them to be modified/manipulated. It accepts mathematical/conditional statements using this external project. If the fallback scaling feature is in effect, the formula will NOT modify its metrics (therefore it modifies metrics only when all of their triggers are healthy). Complete language definition of expr package can be found here. Formula must return a single value (not boolean).

For examples of this feature see section Scaling Modifiers.


  # {list of triggers to activate scaling of the target resource}

💡 NOTE: You can find all supported triggers here.

Trigger fields:

  • type: The type of trigger to use. (Mandatory)
  • metadata: The configuration parameters that the trigger requires. (Mandatory)
  • name: Name for this trigger. This value can be used to easily distinguish this specific trigger and its metrics when consuming Prometheus metrics. By default, the name is generated from the trigger type. (Optional)
  • useCachedMetrics: Enables caching of metric values during polling interval (as specified in .spec.pollingInterval). For more information, see “Caching Metrics”. (Values: false, true, Default: false, Optional)
  • authenticationRef: A reference to the TriggerAuthentication or ClusterTriggerAuthentication object that is used to authenticate the scaler with the environment.
    • More details can be found here. (Optional)
  • metricType: The type of metric that should be used. (Values: AverageValue, Value, Utilization, Default: AverageValue, Optional)
    • Learn more about how the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) calculates replicaCount based on metric type and value.
    • To show the differences between the metric types, let’s assume we want to scale a deployment with 3 running replicas based on a queue of messages:
      • With AverageValue metric type, we can control how many messages, on average, each replica will handle. If our metric is the queue size, the threshold is 5 messages, and the current message count in the queue is 20, HPA will scale the deployment to 20 / 5 = 4 replicas, regardless of the current replica count.
      • The Value metric type, on the other hand, can be used when we don’t want to take the average of the given metric across all replicas. For example, with the Value type, we can control the average time of messages in the queue. If our metric is average time in the queue, the threshold is 5 milliseconds, and the current average time is 20 milliseconds, HPA will scale the deployment to 3 * 20 / 5 = 12.

⚠️ NOTE: All scalers, except CPU and Memory, support metric types AverageValue and Value while CPU and Memory scalers both support AverageValue and Utilization.