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CloudEvent Support
Experimental support for cloud events
resource can be used in KEDA for subscribing to events that are emitted to the user’s defined CloudEvent sink.
📝 Event will be emitted to both Kubernetes Events and CloudEvents Destination if CloudEventSource resource is created.
Here is a the schema of the CloudEventSource
apiVersion: eventing.keda.sh/v1alpha1
kind: CloudEventSource
name: {cloud-event-name}
clusterName: {cluster-name} #Optional. Will be used in the source/subject to specify where the event comes from. The default value is 'kubernetes-default' and it can also be set during the installation of KEDA with --k8sClusterName. This one will overwrite others if set.
name: {trigger-authentication-name} #Optional. Used to reference a `TriggerAuthentication` for authentication.
kind: TriggerAuthentication # Optional. Used to choose the authentication scopes. https://keda.sh/docs/latest/concepts/authentication/#authentication-scopes-namespace-vs-cluster
uri: http://foo.bar
endpoint: https://my-topic.eastus-1.eventgrid.azure.net/api/events
eventSubscription: #Optional. Submit included/excluded event types will filter events when emitting events.
includedEventTypes: #Optional. Only events in this section will be emitted.
- keda.scaledobject.failed.v1
excludedEventTypes: #Optional. Events in this section will not be emitted.
- keda.scaledobject.ready.v1
In general, an event emitted by KEDA would fundamentally come down to the following structure:
"specversion" : "1.0",
"type" : "com.cloudeventsource.keda",
"source" : "/{cluster-name}/{keda-namespace}/keda",
"subject" : "/{cluster-name}/{namespace}/{object-type}/{object-name}",
"id" : "<guid>",
"time" : "2018-04-05T17:31:00Z",
"datacontenttype" : "application/json",
"data" : {
There will be multiple types of destination to emit KEDA events to.
Here is an overview of the supported destinations:
uri: http://foo.bar #An http endpoint that can receive cloudevent
endpoint: foo.bar #endpoint from AzureEventGrid Topic
Authentication information must be provided by using authenticationRef
which allows you to provide the access key or managed identity for Azure Event Grid authentication by providing a TriggerAuthentication
Here is an overview of the supported authentication types:
- Access key string for the Azure Event Grid connection auth.Azure AD Workload Identity provider can be used.
apiVersion: keda.sh/v1alpha1
kind: TriggerAuthentication
name: nameOfTriggerAuth
namespace: default
provider: azure-workload
You can include filter(s) to define what event types you are interested in, or want to ignore. This is done by using includedEventTypes
or excludedEventTypes
respectively for a given sink.
eventSubscription: #Optional. Submit included/excluded event types will filter events when emitting events.
includedEventTypes: #Optional. Only events in this section will be emitted.
- keda.scaledobject.failed.v1
excludedEventTypes: #Optional. Events in this section will not be emitted.
- keda.scaledobject.ready.v1
Event Type | Scenario Description |
keda.scaledobject.ready.v1 | On the first time a ScaledObject is ready, or if the previous ready condition status of the object was Unknown or False |
keda.scaledobject.failed.v1 | If the check validation for a ScaledObject fails |
keda.scaledobject.removed.v1 | When a ScaledObject is deleted |
keda.scaledjob.ready.v1 | On the first time a ScaledJob is ready, or if the previous ready condition status of the object was Unknown or False |
keda.scaledjob.failed.v1 | If the check validation for a ScaledJob fails |
keda.scaledjob.removed.v1 | When a ScaledJob is deleted |
keda.authentication.triggerauthentication.created.v1 | On the first time a TriggerAuthentication is created |
keda.authentication.triggerauthentication.updated.v1 | When a TriggerAuthentication is updated |
keda.authentication.triggerauthentication.removed.v1 | When a TriggerAuthentication is deleted |
keda.authentication.clustertriggerauthentication.created.v1 | On the first time a ClusterTriggerAuthentication is created |
keda.authentication.clustertriggerauthentication.updated.v1 | When a ClusterTriggerAuthentication is updated |
keda.authentication.clustertriggerauthentication.removed.v1 | When a ClusterTriggerAuthentication is deleted |