Migration Guide


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Migrating from KEDA v1 to v2

Please note that you can not run both KEDA v1 and v2 on the same Kubernetes cluster. You need to uninstall KEDA v1 first, in order to install and use KEDA v2.

💡 NOTE: When uninstalling KEDA v1 make sure v1 CRDs are uninstalled from the cluster as well.

KEDA v2 is using a new API namespace for its Custom Resources Definitions (CRD): keda.sh instead of keda.k8s.io and introduces a new Custom Resource for scaling of Jobs. See full details on KEDA Custom Resources here.

Here’s an overview of what’s changed:

Scaling of Deployments

In order to scale Deployments with KEDA v2, you need to do only a few modifications to existing v1 ScaledObjects definitions, so they comply with v2:

  • Change the value of apiVersion property from keda.k8s.io/v1alpha1 to keda.sh/v1alpha1
  • Rename property spec.scaleTargetRef.deploymentName to spec.scaleTargetRef.name
  • Rename property spec.scaleTargetRef.containerName to spec.scaleTargetRef.envSourceContainerName
  • Label deploymentName (in metadata.labels.) is no longer needed to be specified on v2 ScaledObject (it was mandatory on older versions of v1)

Please see the examples below or refer to the full v2 ScaledObject Specification

Example of v1 ScaledObject

apiVersion: keda.k8s.io/v1alpha1
kind: ScaledObject
  name: { scaled-object-name }
    deploymentName: { deployment-name }
    deploymentName: { deployment-name }
    containerName: { container-name }
  pollingInterval: 30
  cooldownPeriod: 300
  minReplicaCount: 0
  maxReplicaCount: 100
  # {list of triggers to activate the deployment}

Example of v2 ScaledObject

apiVersion: keda.sh/v1alpha1 #  <--- Property value was changed
kind: ScaledObject
metadata: #  <--- labels.deploymentName is not needed
  name: { scaled-object-name }
    name: { deployment-name } #  <--- Property name was changed
    envSourceContainerName: { container-name } #  <--- Property name was changed
  pollingInterval: 30
  cooldownPeriod: 300
  minReplicaCount: 0
  maxReplicaCount: 100
  # {list of triggers to activate the deployment}

Scaling of Jobs

In order to scale Jobs with KEDA v2, you need to do only a few modifications to existing v1 ScaledObjects definitions, so they comply with v2:

  • Change the value of apiVersion property from keda.k8s.io/v1alpha1 to keda.sh/v1alpha1
  • Change the value of kind property from ScaledObject to ScaledJob
  • Remove property spec.scaleType
  • Remove properties spec.cooldownPeriod and spec.minReplicaCount

You can configure successfulJobsHistoryLimit and failedJobsHistoryLimit. They will remove the old job histories automatically.

Please see the examples below or refer to the full v2 ScaledJob Specification

Example of v1 ScaledObject for Jobs scaling

apiVersion: keda.k8s.io/v1alpha1
kind: ScaledObject
  name: { scaled-object-name }
  scaleType: job
    parallelism: 1
    completions: 1
    activeDeadlineSeconds: 600
    backoffLimit: 6
      # {job template}
  pollingInterval: 30
  cooldownPeriod: 300
  minReplicaCount: 0
  maxReplicaCount: 100
  # {list of triggers to create jobs}

Example of v2 ScaledJob

apiVersion: keda.sh/v1alpha1 #  <--- Property value was changed
kind: ScaledJob #  <--- Property value was changed
  name: { scaled-job-name }
spec: #  <--- spec.scaleType is not needed
    parallelism: 1
    completions: 1
    activeDeadlineSeconds: 600
    backoffLimit: 6
      # {job template}
  pollingInterval: 30 #  <--- spec.cooldownPeriod and spec.minReplicaCount are not needed
  successfulJobsHistoryLimit: 5 #  <--- property is added
  failedJobsHistoryLimit: 5 #  <--- Property is added
  maxReplicaCount: 100
  # {list of triggers to create jobs}

Improved flexibility & usability of trigger metadata

We’ve introduced more options to configure trigger metadata to give users more flexibility.

💡 NOTE: Changes only apply to trigger metadata and don’t impact usage of TriggerAuthentication

Here’s an overview:

azure-blobconnection (Default: AzureWebJobsStorage)connectionFromEnv
azure-monitoractiveDirectoryClientId activeDirectoryClientPasswordactiveDirectoryClientId activeDirectoryClientIdFromEnv activeDirectoryClientPasswordFromEnv
azure-queueconnection (Default: AzureWebJobsStorage)connectionFromEnv
azure-eventhubstorageConnection (Default: AzureWebJobsStorage) connection (Default: EventHub)storageConnectionFromEnv connectionFromEnv
aws-cloudwatchawsAccessKeyID (Default: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID) awsSecretAccessKey (Default: AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY)awsAccessKeyID awsAccessKeyIDFromEnv awsSecretAccessKeyFromEnv
aws-kinesis-streamawsAccessKeyID (Default: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID) awsSecretAccessKey (Default: AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY)awsAccessKeyID awsAccessKeyIDFromEnv awsSecretAccessKeyFromEnv
aws-sqs-queueawsAccessKeyID (Default: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID) awsSecretAccessKey (Default: AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY)awsAccessKeyID awsAccessKeyIDFromEnv awsSecretAccessKeyFromEnv
rabbitmqapiHost hostapiHost host hostFromEnv
redisaddress host port passwordaddress addressFromEnv host hostFromEnv port passwordFromEnv
redis-streamsaddress host port passwordaddress addressFromEnv host hostFromEnv port passwordFromEnv
external(any matching value)(any matching value with FromEnv suffix)
postgresqlconnection passwordconnectionFromEnv passwordFromEnv
mysqlconnectionString passwordconnectionStringFromEnv passwordFromEnv


Azure Service Bus

  • queueLength was renamed to messageCount


  • authMode property was replaced with sasl and tls properties. Please refer documentation for Kafka Authentication Parameters details.


In KEDA 2.0 the RabbitMQ scaler has only host parameter, and the protocol for communication can be specified by protocol (http or amqp). The default value is amqp. The behavior changes only for scalers that were using HTTP protocol.

Example of RabbitMQ trigger before 2.0:

  - type: rabbitmq
      queueLength: "20"
      queueName: testqueue
      includeUnacked: "true"
      apiHost: "https://guest:password@localhost:443/vhostname"

The same trigger in 2.0:

  - type: rabbitmq
      queueLength: "20"
      queueName: testqueue
      protocol: "http"
      host: "https://guest:password@localhost:443/vhostname"


In order to use Authentication via TriggerAuthentication with KEDA v2, you need to change:

  • Change the value of apiVersion property from keda.k8s.io/v1alpha1 to keda.sh/v1alpha1

For more details please refer to the full v2 TriggerAuthentication Specification