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External Scalers
While KEDA ships with a set of built-in scalers, users can also extend KEDA through a GRPC service that implements the same interface as the built-in scalers.
Built-in scalers run in the KEDA process/pod, while external scalers require an externally managed GRPC server that’s accessible from KEDA with optional TLS authentication. KEDA itself acts as a GRPC client and it exposes similar service interface for the built-in scalers, so external scalers can fully replace built-in ones.
This document describes the external scaler interfaces and how to implement them in Go, Node, and .NET; however for more details on GRPC refer to the official GRPC documentation
Want to learn about existing external scalers? Explore our external scaler community.
Since external scalers mirror the interface of built-in scalers, it’s worth becoming familiar with the Go interface
that the built-in scalers implement:
// Scaler interface
type Scaler interface {
// GetMetricsAndActivity returns the metric values and activity for a metric Name
GetMetricsAndActivity(ctx context.Context, metricName string) ([]external_metrics.ExternalMetricValue, bool, error)
// GetMetricSpecForScaling returns the metrics based on which this scaler determines that the ScaleTarget scales. This is used to construct the HPA spec that is created for
// this scaled object. The labels used should match the selectors used in GetMetrics
GetMetricSpecForScaling(ctx context.Context) []v2.MetricSpec
// Close any resources that need disposing when scaler is no longer used or destroyed
Close(ctx context.Context) error
// PushScaler interface
type PushScaler interface {
// Run is the only writer to the active channel and must close it once done.
Run(ctx context.Context, active chan<- bool)
The Scaler
interface defines 3 methods:
is called to allow the scaler to clean up connections or other resources.GetMetricSpecForScaling
returns the target value for the HPA definition for the scaler. For more details refer to Implementing GetMetricSpec
is called on pollingInterval
and. When activity returns true
, KEDA will scale to what is returned by the metric limited by maxReplicaCount
on the ScaledObject/ScaledJob.
When false
is returned, KEDA will scale to minReplicaCount
or optionally idleReplicaCount
. More details around the defaults and how these options work together can be found on the ScaledObjectSpec.Refer to the HPA docs for how HPA calculates
based on metric value and target value. KEDA supports bothAverageValue
metric target types for external metrics. WhenAverageValue
(the default metric type) is used, the metric value returned by the external scaler will be divided by the number of replicas.
The PushScaler
interface adds a Run
method. This method receives a push channel (active
), on which the scaler can send true
at any time. The purpose of this mechanism is to initiate a scaling operation independently from pollingInterval
KEDA comes with 2 external scalers external
and external-push
The configuration in the ScaledObject points to a GRPC service endpoint that implements the externalscaler.proto
GRPC contract:
service ExternalScaler {
rpc IsActive(ScaledObjectRef) returns (IsActiveResponse) {}
rpc StreamIsActive(ScaledObjectRef) returns (stream IsActiveResponse) {}
rpc GetMetricSpec(ScaledObjectRef) returns (GetMetricSpecResponse) {}
rpc GetMetrics(GetMetricsRequest) returns (GetMetricsResponse) {}
Much of this contract is similar to the built-in scalers:
mirrors its counterpart in the Scaler
interface for creating HPA definition.IsActive
and GetMetrics
map to the GetMetricsAndActivity
method on the Scaler
maps to the Run
method on the PushScaler
interface.There are, however, some notable differences:
method. The scaler is expected to be functional throughout its lifetime.IsActive
, StreamIsActive
, and GetMetricsSpec
are called with a ScaledObjectRef
that contains the scaledObject name/namespace as well as the content of metadata
defined in the trigger.Given the following ScaledObject
apiVersion: keda.sh/v1alpha1
kind: ScaledObject
name: scaledobject-name
namespace: scaledobject-namespace
name: deployment-name
- type: external-push
scalerAddress: service-address.svc.local:9090
key1: value1
key2: value2
KEDA will attempt a GRPC connection to service-address.svc.local:9090
immediately after reconciling the ScaledObject
. It will then make the following RPC calls:
- KEDA does an initial call to IsActive
followed by one call on each pollingInterval
- KEDA does an initial call and the scaler is expected to maintain a long-lived connection (called a stream
in GRPC terminology). The external push scaler can then send an IsActive
event back to KEDA at any time. KEDA will only attempt another call to StreamIsActive
if it needs to re-connectGetMetricsSpec
- KEDA will do an initial call with the following data in the incoming ScaledObjectRef
- KEDA will call this method every pollingInterval
to get the point-in-time metric values for the names returned by GetMetricsSpec
"name": "scaledobject-name",
"namespace": "scaledobject-namespace",
"scalerMetadata": {
"scalerAddress": "service-address.svc.local:9090",
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2"
Note: KEDA will issue all of the above RPC calls except
. It must beexternal-push
to be called.
2.1. Download ./protoc
for your platform
2.2. get protoc-gen-go
go get github.com/golang/protobuf/protoc-gen-go@v1.3.2
2.3. Prepare project
go mod init example.com/external-scaler/sample
mkdir externalscaler
protoc externalscaler.proto --go_out=plugins=grpc:externalscaler
2.1. Create a new project
dotnet new console -o ExternalScalerSample
cd ExternalScalerSample
# add Grpc.AspNetCore
dotnet add package Grpc.AspNetCore
dotnet add package Newtonsoft.Json
# Create a Protos and Services folders
mkdir Protos
mkdir Services
2.2. Move externalscaler.proto
to Protos
2.3. Compile externalscaler.proto
using this in ExternalScalerSample.csproj
<Protobuf Include="Protos\externalscaler.proto" GrpcServices="Server" />
2.1. Prepare the project
npm install --save grpc request
Just like IsActive(ctx context.Context) (bool, error)
in the go interface, the IsActive
method in the GRPC interface is called every pollingInterval
with a ScaledObjectRef
object that contains the scaledObject name, namespace, and scaler metadata.
This section implements an external scaler that queries earthquakes from earthquake.usgs.gov and scales the deployment if there has been more than 2 earthquakes with magnitude > 1.0
around a particular longitude/latitude in the previous day.
Submit the following ScaledObject
to tell KEDA to start making RPC calls to your external scaler (modifying appropriate fields as necessary):
apiVersion: keda.sh/v1alpha1
kind: ScaledObject
name: scaledobject-name
namespace: scaledobject-namespace
name: deployment-name
- type: external
scalerAddress: earthquake-scaler:9090
longitude: "-122.335167"
latitude: "47.608013"
The full implementation can be found at github.com/kedacore/external-scaler-samples.
Put the following code into your main.go
func (e *ExternalScaler) IsActive(ctx context.Context, scaledObject *pb.ScaledObjectRef) (*pb.IsActiveResponse, error) {
// request.Scalermetadata contains the `metadata` defined in the ScaledObject
longitude := scaledObject.ScalerMetadata["longitude"]
latitude := scaledObject.ScalerMetadata["latitude"]
if len(longitude) == 0 || len(latitude) == 0 {
return nil, status.Error(codes.InvalidArgument, "longitude and latitude must be specified")
startTime := time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, -1).Format("2006-01-02")
endTime := time.Now().Format("2006-01-02")
radiusKM := 500
query := fmt.Sprintf("format=geojson&starttime=%s&endtime=%s&longitude=%s&latitude=%s&maxradiuskm=%d", startTime, endTime, longitude, latitude, radiusKM)
resp, err := http.Get(fmt.Sprintf("https://earthquake.usgs.gov/fdsnws/event/1/query?%s", query))
if err != nil {
return nil, status.Error(codes.Internal, err.Error())
defer resp.Body.Close()
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
return nil, status.Error(codes.Internal, err.Error())
payload := USGSResponse{}
err = json.Unmarshal(body, &payload)
if err != nil {
return nil, status.Error(codes.Internal, err.Error())
// count how many earthquakes with mag > 1.0
count := 0
for _, f := range payload.Features {
if f.Properties.Mag > 1.0 {
// return true if there is more than 2
return &pb.IsActiveResponse{
Result: count > 2,
}, nil
Full implementation can be found at github.com/kedacore/external-scaler-samples.
Put the following code into your Services/ExternalScalerService.cs
public class ExternalScalerService : ExternalScaler.ExternalScalerBase
private static readonly HttpClient _client = new HttpClient();
public override async Task<IsActiveResponse> IsActive(ScaledObjectRef request, ServerCallContext context)
// request.Scalermetadata contains the `metadata` defined in the ScaledObject
if (!request.ScalerMetadata.ContainsKey("latitude") ||
!request.ScalerMetadata.ContainsKey("longitude")) {
throw new ArgumentException("longitude and latitude must be specified");
var longitude = request.ScalerMetadata["longitude"];
var latitude = request.ScalerMetadata["latitude"];
var startTime = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
var endTime = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
var radiusKm = 500;
var query = $"format=geojson&starttime={startTime}&endtime={endTime}&longitude={longitude}&latitude={latitude}&maxradiuskm={radiusKm}";
var resp = await _client.GetAsync($"https://earthquake.usgs.gov/fdsnws/event/1/query?{query}");
var payload = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<USGSResponse>(await resp.Content.ReadAsStringAsync());
return new IsActiveResponse
// return true if there is more than 2 Earthquakes with mag > 1.0
Result = payload.features.Count(f => f.properties.mag > 1.0) > 2
Put the following code into your index.js
const grpc = require("grpc");
const request = require("request");
const externalScalerProto = grpc.load("externalscaler.proto");
const server = new grpc.Server();
server.addService(externalScalerProto.externalscaler.ExternalScaler.service, {
isActive: (call, callback) => {
const longitude = call.request.scalerMetadata.longitude;
const latitude = call.request.scalerMetadata.latitude;
if (!longitude || !latitude) {
code: grpc.status.INVALID_ARGUMENT,
details: "longitude and latitude must be specified",
} else {
const now = new Date();
const yesterday = new Date(new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate() - 1));
const startTime = `${yesterday.getUTCFullYear()}-${yesterday.getUTCMonth()}-${yesterday.getUTCDay()}`;
const endTime = `${now.getUTCFullYear()}-${now.getUTCMonth()}-${now.getUTCDay()}`;
const radiusKm = 500;
const query = `format=geojson&starttime=${startTime}&endtime=${endTime}&longitude=${longitude}&latitude=${latitude}&maxradiuskm=${radiusKm}`;
url: `https://earthquake.usgs.gov/fdsnws/event/1/query?${query}`,
json: true,
(err, resp, data) => {
if (err) {
code: grpc.status.INTERNAL,
details: err,
} else if (resp.statusCode !== 200) {
code: grpc.status.INTERNAL,
details: `expected status 200, got ${resp.statusCode}`,
} else {
// count how many earthquakes with mag > 1.0
let count = 0;
data.features.forEach((i) => {
if (i.properties.mag > 1.0) {
callback(null, {
result: count > 2,
server.bind("", grpc.ServerCredentials.createInsecure());
console.log("Server listening on");
Unlike IsActive
, StreamIsActive
is called once when KEDA reconciles the ScaledObject
, and expects the external scaler to maintain a long-lived connection and push IsActiveResponse
objects whenever the scaler needs KEDA to activate the deployment.
This implementation creates a timer and queries USGS APIs on that timer, effectively ignoring pollingInterval
set in the scaledObject. Alternatively any other asynchronous event can be used instead of a timer, like an HTTP request, or a network connection.
func (e *ExternalScaler) StreamIsActive(scaledObject *pb.ScaledObjectRef, epsServer pb.ExternalScaler_StreamIsActiveServer) error {
longitude := scaledObject.ScalerMetadata["longitude"]
latitude := scaledObject.ScalerMetadata["latitude"]
if len(longitude) == 0 || len(latitude) == 0 {
return status.Error(codes.InvalidArgument, "longitude and latitude must be specified")
for {
select {
case <-epsServer.Context().Done():
// call cancelled
return nil
case <-time.Tick(time.Hour * 1):
earthquakeCount, err := getEarthQuakeCount(longitude, latitude)
if err != nil {
// log error
} else if earthquakeCount > 2 {
err = epsServer.Send(&pb.IsActiveResponse{
Result: true,
public override async Task StreamIsActive(ScaledObjectRef request, IServerStreamWriter<IsActiveResponse> responseStream, ServerCallContext context)
if (!request.ScalerMetadata.ContainsKey("latitude") ||
throw new ArgumentException("longitude and latitude must be specified");
var longitude = request.ScalerMetadata["longitude"];
var latitude = request.ScalerMetadata["latitude"];
var key = $"{longitude}|{latitude}";
while (!context.CancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
var earthquakeCount = await GetEarthQuakeCount(longitude, latitude);
if (earthquakeCount > 2) {
await responseStream.WriteAsync(new IsActiveResponse
Result = true
await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromHours(1));
server.addService(externalScalerProto.externalscaler.ExternalScaler.service, {
// ...
streamIsActive: (call, callback) => {
const longitude = call.request.scalerMetadata.longitude;
const latitude = call.request.scalerMetadata.latitude;
if (!longitude || !latitude) {
code: grpc.status.INVALID_ARGUMENT,
details: "longitude and latitude must be specified",
} else {
const interval = setInterval(() => {
getEarthquakeCount((err, count) => {
if (err) {
} else if (count > 2) {
result: true,
}, 1000 * 60 * 60);
call.on("end", () => {
returns the target
value for the HPA definition for the scaler. This scaler will define a static target of 10, but the threshold value is often specified in the metadata for other scalers.
func (e *ExternalScaler) GetMetricSpec(context.Context, *pb.ScaledObjectRef) (*pb.GetMetricSpecResponse, error) {
return &pb.GetMetricSpecResponse{
MetricSpecs: []*pb.MetricSpec{{
MetricName: "earthquakeThreshold",
TargetSize: 10,
}, nil
public override async Task<GetMetricSpecResponse> GetMetricSpec(ScaledObjectRef request, ServerCallContext context)
var resp = new GetMetricSpecResponse();
resp.MetricSpecs.Add(new MetricSpec
MetricName = "earthquakeThreshold",
TargetSize = 10
return Task.FromResult(resp);
server.addService(externalScalerProto.externalscaler.ExternalScaler.service, {
// ...
getMetricSpec: (call, callback) => {
callback(null, {
metricSpecs: [
metricName: "earthquakeThreshold",
targetSize: 10,
returns the value of the metric referred to from GetMetricSpec
, in this example it’s earthquakeThreshold
func (e *ExternalScaler) GetMetrics(_ context.Context, metricRequest *pb.GetMetricsRequest) (*pb.GetMetricsResponse, error) {
longitude := metricRequest.ScaledObjectRef.ScalerMetadata["longitude"]
latitude := metricRequest.ScaledObjectRef.ScalerMetadata["latitude"]
if len(longitude) == 0 || len(latitude) == 0 {
return nil, status.Error(codes.InvalidArgument, "longitude and latitude must be specified")
earthquakeCount, err := getEarthQuakeCount(longitude, latitude, 1.0)
if err != nil {
return nil, status.Error(codes.Internal, err.Error())
return &pb.GetMetricsResponse{
MetricValues: []*pb.MetricValue{{
MetricName: "earthquakeThreshold",
MetricValue: int64(earthquakeCount),
}, nil
public override async Task<GetMetricsResponse> GetMetrics(GetMetricsRequest request, ServerCallContext context)
if (!request.ScaledObjectRef.ScalerMetadata.ContainsKey("latitude") ||
throw new ArgumentException("longitude and latitude must be specified");
var longitude = request.ScaledObjectRef.ScalerMetadata["longitude"];
var latitude = request.ScaledObjectRef.ScalerMetadata["latitude"];
var earthquakeCount = await GetEarthQuakeCount(longitude, latitude);
var resp = new GetMetricsResponse();
resp.MetricValues.Add(new MetricValue
MetricName = "earthquakeThreshold",
MetricValue_ = earthquakeCount
return resp;
server.addService(externalScalerProto.externalscaler.ExternalScaler.service, {
// ...
getMetrics: (call, callback) => {
const longitude = call.request.scaledObjectRef.scalerMetadata.longitude;
const latitude = call.request.scaledObjectRef.scalerMetadata.latitude;
if (!longitude || !latitude) {
code: grpc.status.INVALID_ARGUMENT,
details: "longitude and latitude must be specified",
} else {
getEarthquakeCount((err, count) => {
if (err) {
code: grpc.status.INTERNAL,
details: err,
} else {
callback(null, {
metricValues: [
metricName: "earthquakeThreshold",
metricValue: count,