Authentication Click here for latest


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Often a scaler will require authentication or secrets and config to check for events.

KEDA provides a few secure patterns to manage authentication flows:

  • Configure authentication per ScaledObject
  • Re-use credentials or delegate authentication with TriggerAuthentication

Defining secrets and config maps on ScaledObject

Some metadata parameters will not allow resolving from a literal value, and will instead require a reference to a secret, config map, or environment variable defined on the target container.

💡 TIP: If creating a deployment yaml that references a secret, be sure the secret is created before the deployment that references it, and the scaledObject after both of them to avoid invalid references.


If using the RabbitMQ scaler, the host parameter may include passwords so is required to be a reference. You can create a secret with the value of the host string, reference that secret in the deployment, and map it to the ScaledObject metadata parameter like below:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: {secret-name}
  {secret-key-name}: YW1xcDovL3VzZXI6UEFTU1dPUkRAcmFiYml0bXEuZGVmYXVsdC5zdmMuY2x1c3Rlci5sb2NhbDo1Njcy #base64 encoded per secret spec
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: {deployment-name}
  namespace: default
    app: {deployment-name}
      app: {deployment-name}
        app: {deployment-name}
      - name: {deployment-name}
        image: {container-image}
        - secretRef:
            name: {secret-name}
kind: ScaledObject
  name: {scaled-object-name}
  namespace: default
    deploymentName: {deployment-name}
  - type: rabbitmq
      queueName: hello
      host: {secret-key-name}
      queueLength  : '5'

If you have multiple containers in a deployment, you will need to include the name of the container that has the references in the ScaledObject. If you do not include a containerName it will default to the first container. KEDA will attempt to resolve references from secrets, config maps, and environment variables of the container.

The downsides

While this method works for many scenarios, there are some downsides:

  • Difficult to efficiently share auth config across ScaledObjects
  • No support for referencing a secret directly, only secrets that are referenced by the container
  • No support for other types of authentication flows such as pod identity where access to a source could be acquired with no secrets or connection strings

For these and other reasons, we also provide a TriggerAuthentication resource to define authentication as a separate resource to a ScaledObject. This allows you to reference secrets directly, configure to use pod identity or use authentication object managed by a different team.

Re-use credentials and delegate auth with TriggerAuthentication

TriggerAuthentication allows you to describe authentication parameters separate from the ScaledObject and the deployment containers. It also enables more advanced methods of authentication like “pod identity”, authentication re-use or allowing IT to configure the authentication.

kind: TriggerAuthentication
  name: {trigger-authentication-name}
  namespace: default # must be same namespace as the ScaledObject
      provider: none | azure | aws-eks | aws-kiam # Optional. Default: none
  secretTargetRef: # Optional.
  - parameter: {scaledObject-parameter-name} # Required.
    name: {secret-name} # Required.
    key: {secret-key-name} # Required.
  env: # Optional.
  - parameter: {scaledObject-parameter-name} # Required.
    name: {env-name} # Required.
    containerName: {container-name} # Optional. Default: scaleTargetRef.containerName of ScaledObject
  hashiCorpVault: # Optional.
    address: {hashicorp-vault-address} # Required.
    authentication: token | kubernetes # Required.
    role: {hashicorp-vault-role} # Optional.
    mount: {hashicorp-vault-mount} # Optional.
    credential: # Optional.
      token: {hashicorp-vault-token} # Optional.
      serviceAccount: {path-to-service-account-file} # Optional.
    secrets: # Required.
    - parameter: {scaledObject-parameter-name} # Required.
      key: {hashicorp-vault-secret-key-name} # Required.
      path: {hashicorp-vault-secret-path} # Required.

Based on the requirements you can mix and match the reference types providers in order to configure all required parameters.

Every parameter you define in TriggerAuthentication definition does not need to be included in the metadata of the trigger for your ScaledObject definition. To reference a TriggerAuthentication from a ScaledObject you add the authenticationRef to the trigger.

# some Scaled Object
# ...
  - type: {scaler-type}
      param1: {some-value}
      name: {trigger-authentication-name} # this may define other params not defined in metadata

Environment variable(s)

You can pull information via one or more environment variables by providing the name of the variable for a given containerName.

env: # Optional.
  - parameter: region # Required - Defined by the scale trigger
    name: my-env-var # Required.
    containerName: my-container # Optional. Default: scaleTargetRef.containerName of ScaledObject

Assumptions: containerName is in the same deployment as the configured scaleTargetRef.deploymentName in the ScaledObject, unless specified otherwise.


You can pull one or more secrets into the trigger by defining the name of the Kubernetes Secret and the key to use.

secretTargetRef: # Optional.
  - parameter: connectionString # Required - Defined by the scale trigger
    name: my-keda-secret-entity # Required.
    key: azure-storage-connectionstring # Required.

Assumptions: namespace is in the same deployment as the configured scaleTargetRef.deploymentName in the ScaledObject, unless specified otherwise.

Hashicorp Vault secret(s)

You can pull one or more Hashicorp Vault secrets into the trigger by defining the authentication metadata such as Vault address and the authentication method (token | kubernetes). If you choose kubernetes auth method you should provide role and mount as well. credential defines the Hashicorp Vault credentials depending on the authentication method, for kubernetes you should provide path to service account token (/var/run/secrets/ and for token auth method provide the token. secrets list defines the mapping between the path and the key of the secret in Vault to the parameter.

hashiCorpVault: # Optional.
  address: {hashicorp-vault-address} # Required.
  authentication: token | kubernetes # Required.
  role: {hashicorp-vault-role} # Optional.
  mount: {hashicorp-vault-mount} # Optional.
  credential: # Optional.
    token: {hashicorp-vault-token} # Optional.
    serviceAccount: {path-to-service-account-file} # Optional.
  secrets: # Required.
  - parameter: {scaledObject-parameter-name} # Required.
    key: {hashicorp-vault-secret-key-name} # Required.
    path: {hashicorp-vault-secret-path} # Required.

Pod Authentication Providers

Several service providers allow you to assign an identity to a pod. By using that identity, you can defer authentication to the pod & the service provider, rather than configuring secrets.

Currently we support the following:

  provider: none | azure | aws-eks | aws-kiam # Optional. Default: none

Azure Pod Identity

Azure Pod Identity is an implementation of Azure AD Pod Identity which let’s you bind an Azure Managed Identity to a Pod in a Kubernetes cluster as delegated access - Don’t manage secrets, let Azure AD do the hard work.

You can tell KEDA to use Azure AD Pod Identity via podIdentity.provider.

  provider: azure # Optional. Default: false

Azure AD Pod Identity will give access to containers with a defined label for aadpodidbinding. You can set this label on the KEDA operator deployment. This can be done for you during deployment with Helm with --set aadPodIdentity={your-label-name}.

AWS EKS Pod Identity Webhook

EKS Pod Identity Webhook, which is described more in depth here, allows you to provide the role name using an annotation on a service account associated with your pod.

You can tell KEDA to use EKS Pod Identity Webhook via podIdentity.provider.

  provider: aws-eks # Optional. Default: false

AWS Kiam Pod Identity

Kiam lets you bind an AWS IAM Role to a pod using an annotation on the pod.

You can tell KEDA to use Kiam via podIdentity.provider.

  provider: aws-kiam # Optional. Default: false