Deploying KEDA Click here for latest


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We provide a few approaches to deploy KEDA runtime in your Kubernetes clusters:

Don’t see what you need? Feel free to create an issue on our GitHub repo.

Deploying with Helm


Deploying KEDA with Helm is very simple:

  1. Add Helm repo

    helm repo add kedacore
  2. Update Helm repo

    helm repo update
  3. Install keda Helm chart

    Helm 2

    helm install keda kedacore/keda  --version 1.4.2 --namespace keda --create-namespace

    Helm 3

    kubectl create namespace keda
    helm install keda kedacore/keda --version 1.4.2 --namespace keda


If you want to remove KEDA from a cluster you can run one of the following:

Using Helm 3

helm uninstall -n keda keda
kubectl delete -f
kubectl delete -f

Using Helm 2

helm delete --purge keda
kubectl delete -f
kubectl delete -f

Deploying with Operator Hub


  1. On Operator Hub Marketplace locate and install KEDA operator
  2. Create namespace keda
  3. Create KedaController resource named keda in namespace keda
    Operator Hub installation

💡 **NOTE:**Further information on Operator Hub installation method can be found in the following repository.


Locate installed KEDA Operator in keda namespace, then remove created KedaController resource and uninstall KEDA operator.

Deploying using the deployment YAML files


If you want to try KEDA on Minikube or a different Kubernetes deployment without using Helm you can still deploy it with kubectl.

We provide sample YAML declarations which includes our CRD in the released zip and tar.gz package files which are available on the GitHub releases page. Download the zip or tar.gz file, unpack it, enter the unpacked folder and just run the following commands.

kubectl apply -f ./crds
kubectl apply -f ./

You can also find the same YAML declarations in our /deploy directory on our GitHub repo if you prefer to clone it.

git clone && cd keda && git checkout tags/v1.4.1

kubectl apply -f deploy/crds/keda.k8s.io_scaledobjects_crd.yaml
kubectl apply -f deploy/crds/keda.k8s.io_triggerauthentications_crd.yaml
kubectl apply -f deploy/


You would need to run these commands from within the directory of the cloned GitHub repo:

kubectl delete -f deploy/crds/keda.k8s.io_scaledobjects_crd.yaml
kubectl delete -f deploy/crds/keda.k8s.io_triggerauthentications_crd.yaml
kubectl delete -f deploy/